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Landlords react to King's speech

Terrance White

Chris Norris, Policy Director for the National Residential Landlords Association, responded to the King's Speech's confirmation that the Government will introduce a Renters' Rights Bill to eliminate Section 21, or "no fault" repossessions, by stating:

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Reeves intends to reinstate the objectives for housebuilding

Terrance White

Rachel Reeves has pledged to "restart Britain's construction industry" by reinstating mandatory housebuilding targets as part of a comprehensive strategy to revitalise the British economy.

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Are tenants a new electoral coalition?

Terrance White

Essex Man was a title that Margaret Thatcher held, while Mondeo Man was a title that New Labour bragged about.

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The inflation rate has reached its lowest point in nearly three years.

Terrance White

For the first time in nearly three years, inflation has reached the Bank of England's target.

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Inflation Rate

Terrance White

Inflation rate in the United Kingdom: What is the rate of price inflation?

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First-time purchasers are currently encountering the most challenging situation in the past 70 years

Terrance White

According to a survey by the Building Societies Association (BSA), first-time buyers are currently experiencing the most challenging circumstances in 70 years when it comes to purchasing a property.